The South Lyon Area Amateur Radio Club services the communities surrounding South Lyon, Michigan. We are comprised of members interested in building, experimenting, and helping new hams learn to operate.
The best way to contact us is to put a call out on our repeater.
We are always looking for interesting presentations at our monthly meeting. For additional information on how to volunteer to present, please contact the Club President.
Happy Valentines Day, and Happy February! We hope you “love” the SLAARC calendar of events for the month of February. As an important reminder, our Club Meeting has SHIFTED this month as a result of the super-football game that will fall on our regular evening. Monthly: Club-Meeting: Sunday February 16th at 6:30pm – In-Person (Open to all) The monthly club-meeting is an opportunity for members to meet in person and share a dinner (optional) at the…
Tonight, we held our first SSTV experiment on the N8SL repeater, and it was a great success! A total of 17 participants joined in, with 15 successfully transmitting an image. It was an exciting and engaging event, bringing together operators to test and refine their SSTV skills. A big thank you to Jim, N8JRD, for organizing and coordinating this event. His efforts ensured a smooth experience for everyone involved. We’ve taken notes on areas for…
Join us on Tuesday, Jan 28, 2025 at 7pm-8:30pm on the N8SL Repeater (147.040 + 110.9pl) to try SSTV! Let’s take what we learned from Jerry (K8GNG) at January’s Club Meeting and get together to share some SSTV images! To cover a broader group of amateurs, we’ll be sharing our SSTV Transmissions over the N8SL repeater. Using the repeater should allow many to participate, whether you simply want to capture the transmissions, or you’re ready…
Thursday Night Round Table 10:00pm N8SL/R 147.040(110.9) Allstar - 454050 Saturday Morning Ham & Egg's 8:30am Lucas of South Lyon 22689 Pontiac Trail, South Lyon, MI 48178 Sunday Night Net 8:00pm N8SL/R 147.040(110.9) Allstar - 454050 Except 2nd Sunday of the month
Monthly Events
Technical Meeting 2nd Sunday of each month 6:30pm Meet and Greet 7:00pm Meeting