Hello! Welcome to our Club Page….

The South Lyon Area Amateur Radio Club services the communities surrounding South Lyon, Michigan. We are comprised of members interested in building, experimenting, and helping new hams learn to operate.

The best way to contact us is to put a call out on our repeater.

We are always looking for interesting presentations at our monthly meeting. For additional information on how to volunteer to present, please contact the Club President.

Upcoming Organized Events

Check out our Facebook and Discord channels at the bottom of this page for current activities.

Monthly Events and Activities

VE Testing 4th Saturday of each month at the Witch’s Hat Depot

See details about testing

Monthly siren test (March- November)

1pm on the first Saturday of each month. Great way to get into ham radio.

Weekly Events and Activities

  • Weekly in person breakfast at Lucas of South Lyon. Every Saturday at 8:30am
  • Weekly zoom breakfast at 8:00am on zoom, see details
  • Weekly Net on the 147.040 repeater and 454050 Allstar node will be coming back in 2024

Other events will be listed on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/slaarc/events

Upcoming Club Radio Events (Subject to Change)

2024 Club Officers

PresidentEric Stoddart K8ERS
Vice PresidentJames Mills K8JKU
SecretaryLouis Kolenc N8LEK
TreasurerBob Kiessel W8BK
Member at LargeMike Sharpe W8XH

Blog Posts

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